Transparency Hotline

Transparency and Ethics Management Model

At GreenLand we promote well-being through ethics and transparency, because the best results are those we can talk about with price, satisfaction, and with the certainty of acted properly. We promote well-being is the purpose that gives us inspiration. It means doing things but always thinking about the positive impact that we can have around us, contributing to the business of our clients and suppliers, and to the advancement of society as a whole, and to the lives of our employees.

Because acting properly promote well-being, at we have developed and ethics and transparency model. This consists of a Corporate Governance and Ethics Code, the Sagrilaft (Self-Monitoring and Risk Management System), and the Transparency Hotline. This program guides our actions and identifies us as an Ethical and Transparent Business Group.

This is how each element works

Código de Gobierno y Ética Empresa

Código de Gobierno y Ética Empresa

Nuestro Código de Gobierno nos direcciona al cumplimiento de nuestro propósito de cultivar bienestar de manera ética y transparente, en él están enmarcados los principios que guían, nuestro comportamiento diario en la Organización y nuestros grupos de interés, coherente con la estrategia corporativa, las buenas prácticas de sostenibilidad y el cumplimiento de la legislación vigente.

Nuestro Código contiene los principios y valores que nos direccionan, nuestra historia, la estructura organizacional del Grupo y la forma en la que nos relacionamos con lo grupos de interés.



Implementamos el sistema de gestión SAGRILAFT y SIPLAFT nos permiten analizar y hacer control del riesgo integral del lavado de activos, financiación del terrorismo y la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva.
• El lavado de activos.
• Financiación directa e indirecta de grupos al margen de la ley o terroristas nacionales o extranjeros.
• Financiación de la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva o todo acto que utilice fondos o servicios financieros para propósitos ilegítimos que busquen causar terror.
• La corrupción y el soborno transnacional.

Programa de Transparencia y Ética Empresarial -PTEE

Programa de Transparencia y Ética Empresarial -PTEE

El PTEE confirma el compromiso permanente del Grupo Empresarial GreenLand en mantener altos principios morales, éticos y contiene las política, manuales y procedimientos que están encaminados en prevenir el riesgo de incurrir en actos relacionados con prácticas corruptas y soborno transnacional.

Corporate Governance and Ethics Code

Our Corporate Governance and Ethics Code guides us to achieve our objective of promoting well-being in an ethical and transparent manner. This includes the principles that guide our day-to-day activities in the organization and our stakeholders, in a manner consistent with our corporate strategy, good sustainability practices, and compliance with current laws. Our Code contains the principles and values that guide us, our history, the Group’s organizational structure, and the way we interact with our stakeholders.


We implemented an MLTFSMRMS and a MLTFPS that enable us to analyze and control the integrated risk of money laundering, direct and indirect financing of domestic or international unlawful or terrorist groups, financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and any other actions that use the financial system for illegal purposes intended to cause terror, and transnational corruption and bribery.

Corporate Governance and Ethics Program -CGEP

The CGEP confirms the on-going commitment of Grupo Empresarial GreenLand to maintaining high moral and ethical principles, and includes the policy, the manuals, and procedures intended to prevent the risk of actions involving corrupt practices and transnational bribery.

Transparency hotline

To perform our ethics and transparency activities, we have a channel to report actions that go against our principles and values

Actions that go against our principles and values in events that have to do with people
management, impacts on the community and the environment, noncompliance with policies, laws,
and responsible business practices.

The report should be detailed, describing the date in the situation being reported, place, city,
people, area, or projects involved in the situation. It is important to include, if possible, supporting
information such as emails, images, audio files, or documents.

All our stakeholders: clients, suppliers, employees, institutions, and communities.

When the report is received, it is recorded, and classified by case to be managed by the Group’s
transparency and ethics committee.

This hotline is operated by an outside company to ensure confidentiality in the anonymity of the
individuals making the report.

Reporting channels


