Our contribution to the 2030 SDG’s

Our contribution to the 2030 SDG’s

Within the framework of the work and the challenges faced by Grupo GreenLand and Fundación FGL, we recognize the alignment and contributions we make in terms of Sustainable development to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals – SDG – of the international agenda for 2030 led by the United Nations -UN- since 2015.

The 17 SDG’s are divided into four groups: people, planet, prosperity, and alliances. Through the various efforts we make as a Business Group and Social Foundation, we have made direct contributions to most of the objectives associated with those groups and have had a direct impact on our employees, their families, and the communities in the areas of influence.

First, we approach the objectives of the People group. Considering that our social investment model is focused on the recognition of the family as the basis of all social changes, the 2nd SDG: Zero Hunger, with implemented actions that strengthen families from the inside through nutrition programs and innovative projects using bananas (Bananut Meal), to prevent chronic malnutrition in children and the gestating mothers. Also, under the 3rd SDG: health and well-being, a strategic pillar for the organization, we promote health and prevent risks for the employees and their homes by providing pedagogical guidance and care actions. Along the same lines, we emphasize the business group’s commitment to provide a different types of information to improve the skills, traits, and technical competencies of our employees as indicated by the 4th SDG: ODS 4: quality education. In addition, we promote inclusion through clear policies of non-discrimination against women or vulnerable groups, as stated in the 5th SDG: Gender Equality.

Under the Planet pillar, we emphasize the neighborhood as a factor for community development. This is why it is important to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment as proposed by the 6th SDG: clean water and sanitation, by increasing the availability of potable water at the company's headquarters and farms, and in the homes, through the Healthy Home program which ensures water and sanitation management. Also, for the 12th SDG: Responsible Production And Consumption, we ensure good practices and production systems, especially through the efficient management of natural resources and the process to eliminate pollutants in areas around the activity as a key way to achieve this objective.

We also have the Prosperity pillar, where the company as a whole deals with two issues that are fundamental for the economic development of our beneficiary population groups. The first refers to creating decent jobs in our area of influence, promoted by an increase in productivity and technological innovation, leading to the achievement of goals framed in 8 SDG: dignified work and economic growth. The second issue corresponds to the 11 goal: segundo: sustainable cities and communities facilitating access to new housing and improving the settlements through sports and recreation equipment for all.

We are also looking to implement alliances with other public, private, social, and international cooperation entities to achieve their various objectives and consolidate the strategy of social, environmental, and economic responsibility in the regions, and achieving the 17 SDG: alliances to achieve the objectives.