Circular Economy



(CV-6) We continue to move forward with the production of banana meal – Bananut to produce the least waste possible in our operations. This way we reuse the bananas that are not fit for export into the production cycle. In 2020 we produced 25 tons of meal, which represented 162.2 of bananas reused, 43.2 tons more than in 2019. This way we close the production cycle and benefit the communities in our area of influence with a nutrition component.

We are also working to reinforce circular economy practices using other materials from our processes. In 2020 98% of the plastic used to bag the crops, 25% of the nylon produce in the plastics factory, and 97% of the nylon used in the farms was recycled.



The plan is to set up 1.000 Apis melífera hives, installing the apiaries in dense forest areas and riparian woods.

The fact that we have a population of bees in the farms requires the implementation of an integral pest and plague management system that needs to provide an appropriate environment for beehive development and growth, using strategies for controlling hors (weeds), release of biological control agents, and the use of agricultural chemicals according to domestic and international requirements.
